Thursday, December 22, 2011

what is the USA coming to???

what is the USA coming to???

Death of an Empire, Act 4, Scene 7: People arrested for dancing at the Jefferson Memorial.

Police Arrest People For Dancing

Sickening! I served is the US Marine corps so people could have this "freedom"?! What the hell is this country coming to?!

@MrRezdar Your only 17 and dance in a word of illusion for fun and all over your tube channel. You didn't serve, and you were not overseas but know to stop complaining here and call the Congressional Switchboard #202-224-3121 an let you representative that represents you your feelings and get feedback from them and get active instead of just dancing. Dance after the Critical issues are covered and work is done. When 18 for 2012 you vote does count get RonPaul2012. com in to Primarys
what happened to: "by the people, for the people"

what happened to freedom?  i see no freedom here.
its almost like there is no reason for anyone to go into any sort of armed forces to fight for our country.  no reason, no point.  almost.  its not there yet but getting there very very fast!!!!

Farting Kid Arrested

Man Farts at Cop, Gets Arrested

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